Irish Australian Business Awards Peoples Choice 2019
Launched in Dublin, Ireland in 2005, Digitary has grown to become the leading online platform for certifying, sharing, and verifying academic credentials.
It all started for Digitary at the University of Limerick (UL), Ireland, in 2005, when we implemented the world’s first learner-centric solution to verify degree certificates, transcripts and European Diploma Supplements. The positive impact of Digitary was immediate - students and graduates could easily access and share their verified achievements online 24/7, without the University having to get involved in the process. University administrators were able to spend their time on more valuable things than issuing paper transcripts, while employers got immediate degree verification with the full consent of the graduate.
The world’s most respected higher education providers use Digitary to eliminate credential fraud, improve service levels, and increase efficiencies. Learner-centric since the very beginning, Digitary enables millions of learners to access their verified achievements 24/7 and to share them with others, securely, quickly, and easily.
Digitary enables instant verification of records with full Learner consent, maintaining regulatory compliance and eliminating the hassle of manual verification. With a stellar reputation for successful, scaled programme delivery and consistently excellent service levels, we enjoy exceptional customer relationships and we take pride in the good name we have worked hard to build for more than a decade and a half.
At Digitary, we combine a uniquely knowledgeable and experienced team with the agility and energy of a start-up, and we present in a refreshingly authentic and no-nonsense style. We could say more, but the fact that our very first customers are still with Digitary more than a decade and a half later speaks volumes. Now, most publicly-funded higher education institutions in Ireland happily use Digitary, as do some of the top UK Universities, including University of Cambridge, University of Manchester, and London School of Economics.
Further afield, Digitary developed Australia’s first digitally signed AHEGS, Testamur (degree certificate), and transcript for the Australian National University (ANU) in 2010.
ANU’s experience with Digitary over the following six years was so positive that it helped cement Digitary’s reputation Down Under.
In 2016, Digitary was chosen over all of its competitors to become the technology platform for My eQuals (– a regional platform used by all 47 publicly-funded Universities in Australia and New Zealand.