Published 01/9/20
Published 25/8/20
Published 28/7/20
Hilary O'Dwyer is a Virtual CFO for a number of private businesses from startups to established players. Her practical and straight-talking style has helped many of those companies navigate current challenges. This is your opportunity to get some no-nonsense practical advice in this virtual CFO session.
Published 16/4/20
An update on the impact on Superannuation of recent stimulus packages, market trends and key points to consider before changing positions in the current environment. Presented by Alex Hutchison & Stephanie Lyons, EISS Super.
PDF DOWNLOAD: AH Webinar Irish Chamber_vFinal.pdf
Published 15/4/20
Managing your banking relationships. Presented by Pete Ryan, Judo Bank
Published 30/3/20
Nexia represents a network of solutions focused accountancy and consultancy firms in Australia and New Zealand supported by global links to Nexia International. They have kindly contributed some of their recent newsletter information that may be of assistance in this current climate.
Published 26/3/20