BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Melbourne METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Leaders' Lunch - Georgie Harman DESCRIPTION: \;\n \n You'\;ll gain insights from senior leaders\, hear about their challenges\, how they& #39\;ve overcome adversity\, created success and d elivered ambitious plans. No topics are off the ta ble\, and there will be a chance for questions fro m all present\, under Chatham House rules.\n \n It '\;s a great opportunity to build your senior n etwork across cities and sectors\, spending time w ith decision makers from some of Australia'\;s leading businesses and organisations.\n \n  \; \n \n Dress code: Business\n \n  \;\n \n   \;\n \n About our Speaker:\n \n Georgie Harman is one of Australia&rsquo\;s most influential and tru sted figures in the mental health sector.\n  \ ;\n As the CEO of Beyond Blue\, she believes passi onately in doing better for people and communities \n affected by mental health issues and suicide. L ike for most of us\, it&rsquo\;s personal.\n   \;\n Georgie has steered Beyond Blue through signi ficant change &ndash\; expanding its services and supports\, strengthening advocacy and community co nnection\, and harnessing digital innovation.\n &n bsp\;\n She is Deputy Chair of the Australian Nati onal Advisory Council on Alcohol &\; Other Drug s and serves on the Boards of Mental Health Austra lia and mentoring organisation\, Kilfinan Australi a. She is a Patron of Out for Australia and was an inaugural Board member of the Victorian Pride Cen tre\, the first purpose-built place for Australia& #39\;s LGBTIQ+ communities.\n \n In a previous lif e\, Georgie helped set up the National Mental Heal th Commission\, where she was Deputy CEO\, providi ng independent advice to government on reform and system performance. \; From 2006-2012\, she wa s a senior executive at the Commonwealth Departmen t of Health\, with responsibility for mental healt h\, suicide prevention\, AOD\, tobacco control\, c ancer and chronic disease policy and programs.\n & nbsp\;\n She started her career working in the HIV /AIDS sector in London before moving to Australia in 1999 when she was appointed as the inaugural Ex ecutive Director for the Bobby Goldsmith Foundatio n in Sydney.\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Corporate Luncheon CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T120000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T120000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T140000 LOCATION:Melbourne\, VIC 3000\n Australia\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR