February sees the next in our webinar series for members and this time, the topic will be "The Cloud" presented by Datcom and HP with input from other members who work in, with and on "The Cloud".
I've been fortunate enough to get a bit of a sneak preview of some of the topics the guys will cover and the guest blog below from Datcom's Barry Moran sets the scene in more detail.
Remember, to join the webinar, you will need to register via
There will also be a limited number of places to join the debate from the webcast room in Sydney. Please email office@irishchamber.com.au if you'd like to apply for one of those seats.
Anyway, enough of the housekeeping, here is what Barry had to say......
Datcom has been designing and implementing IT solutions since 1997. This year Datcom won the right to be the first reseller worldwide of HP Cloud. One of the major responsibilities that comes with this role is education businesses on the benefits, challenges and costs associated with moving their IT infrastructures into a Cloud environment.
Most business are aware of the Cloud, but as with many burgeoning technologies few businesses want to take the initial steps into the unknown. With the help of the IACC and HP, Datcom is producing a Webinar which we hope will answer some of the questions around Cloud computing and help provide a road map for businesses from traditional infrastructure to a true Cloud environment.
We will look at some of the major benefits of Cloud computing, such as the eradication of licensing costs. The cost of upgrading equipment and the associated implementation costs are no longer the responsibility of the business owner. HP is responsible for upgrading hardware and licensing in its Data Centre, freeing up resources and budget for the business owner.
Transform your IT
One of the major considerations when moving your business to the Cloud is the Transfer of Data and user profiles. This process needs to be handled by IT professionals as there are many potential pitfalls. Planning and implementation of this Data transfer is crucial to minimising downtime and ensuring zero loss of data.
Security in the Cloud
One of the paradox’s of the Cloud, is that businesses are reticent to move to a Cloud environment based on concerns for security. In reality a cloud environment is much more secure than an on premise solution. A good analogy is that a business does not keep its money in a safe on the premises. Businesses trust banks with their specialised people and processes to look after their funds. In the same way business owners need to trust a specialist Cloud Provider (HP) and a specialist System Integrator (Datcom) to manage and implement the transition to the Cloud.
Manage your Cloud
Once a company has transitioned to the Cloud it is essential to have ongoing management. Having the ability to rapidly provision greater resources and processing power in a matter of minutes is a major benefit of the Cloud. In order to fully realise this potential it is essential to have a responsive partner to increase and decrease capacity in line with a business’s needs.
HP Aurora Data Centre
The HP Aurora Data Centre is one of the most advanced Data Centres in Australia. Originally built for enterprise customers, this Data Centre has now been made available to the SMB market. Some to the main strengths are listed below:
- Highly secure, compliant with ASIO Secure Room standard (ASIO T4 SR1), assuring the integrity and functionality of hosted environments
- Built to HP Concurrently Maintainable specifications, which is broadly comparable to the Uptime Institute Tier III classification - full redundancy capability with no single point of failure
- Coupled sites in Sydney: capability for Active/Active with wide options for backup, redundancy & business recovery.
- Designed for growth through a modular design and fit out
- Automated management built on HP’s industry-leading tools, increasing availability, speed of provisioning and improved service quality
To learn more, don't forget to register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6693550068103649538