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Irish Chamber

2017 Finalist - NuaMedia

Irish Australian Business Awards Peoples Choice 2017

Originating from both Antrim and Dublin, the NuaMedia founders, since inception in 2011, have created and established a solid and high performing small business that is significantly disrupting the market, forecasting an exponential path of growth in terms of customer, partners and overall business performance.

NuaMedia's Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions enable businesses across all industries deliver a better customer-experience in their digital and voice channels. In doing so, we improve customer advocacy, loyalty and ultimately growth, whilst at the same time making it super easy, intuitive and efficient for people to interact with businesses.

Our passion, innovation strengths and customer driven R&D is at the centre of what we do and why we continue to deliver products and services that resonate within the market, delivering first to market, unique and truly game-changing applications and services.

Our people & culture is king and with a strong Irish heartbeat at core of the company, we also invest locally and internationally to identify and bring in the best talent in the industry, building a highly skilled team that enables sustainable growth of the business.

Our business is contributing to building the new digital economy that will generate broader benefits for consumers, employees and business partners and in doing so is helping put Ireland and Australia on the map in new ways for product development & technology innovation.

